Contemporary Fiction

“Toughen up, Charlotte.”

“Toughen up, Charlotte.  You’re a Carrows, and you’d better start acting like one.”  

The first book of the Carrows Family Chronicles is a wonderful debut of both author and stories centered around a prosperous family. But their methods may be questionable. So, what happens when one of their own, the prized first daughter, decides her life should take a different direction than what her parents had planned?

“In her family, Charlotte was encouraged to take the game of ‘Identity Swap’ to any lengths she pleased.”

In her story, Charlotte is a beautiful leading lady whose strength is rooted in how her beliefs of right and wrong differ from wealthy family’s perceived strength. Her family is strong as well in their own right, but everyone in this cast of characters is flawed in his or her own unique way. Henry, the patriarch, toes a hard line. His matriarch, Julia, is the loving wife, but she has a hidden flame of her own. Charles and Carey, well they seem like the bullying siblings, but when the plot reveals, you’ll fall in love with them! David, well… I’ll leave this one for you to see. And who could be better for Charlotte than who she ends up with? Then, there’s Petunia, who will melt every mother’s heart.

Then there’s the heist… and the plans… and the machinations… and the luxurious fantasy of wealth that lets you sink in and be swept away. It’s charming heartfelt, and suspenseful all wrapped up in a nice little bow.

All the characters grow so much in the course of this speedy 250 pages. It’ll keep you awake at night turning the pages and salivating for book two. When is that hitting the market, Annabelle? Summer ’18? Sitting on the edge of my seat.

Check this book out when you need something that will take you on a fun ride!  Goodreads | Amazon

Or check out the author on Facebook:  Annabelle Lewis