Book Review: Hidden in Roll
by Stephanie B. Whitfield
Book review by Susan Stradiotto
Originally posted on http://susanstradiotto.com
I’ll start by stating that this book captures the age of the characters beautifully and took me right back to high school. I recommend this to anyone in that age group. It’s truly a perfect YA perspective. That is saying a lot because I didn’t even feel that with the Twilight Series!
All that being said, being somewhat *cough, cough* older, I enjoyed the story as well. If there any fans of the TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, out there, you’ll love this one.
Description of Hidden in Roll
A young woman living in a rigid, puritanical societyHer family has kept her secret hidden…until now.
Josephine Baker’s life takes an unimaginable turn after finding out the family secret: that she has magical powers. This newfound knowledge leads to a series of exciting and daring events that will alter her life as she knows it. School, boys, and drama quickly become entangled in the world of magic.
As she starts to get a handle on her new life, a witch hunter shows up in her small town of Roll. Now that he has found Josephine, he is determined to be the one who eliminates her from the face of the earth…just like he already did to her mother!
From the back cover
The Goods about the book
- Character perspective and immersion
- A super sweet relationship developing. And it’s a healthy one…
- The banter and flirting between Jo and Logan. Adorable.
- The plot is rock solid and an interesting arc with fantastic action at the end
What I hated
^Yes, I said that
It’s the only thing, so don’t shoot me.
And it’s a spoiler
So I’ve hidden it here
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The Bottom Line
There is so much to enjoy about Hidden in Roll, and I look forward to Stephanie’s next in line (Coming December 14!). I rated this one at 5* for the audience it’s intended to reach. If you’re a little older or prefer fantasy geared for adult audiences, read it with that in mind. As an adult, I give it 4/5* still, so definitely worth the read.
If you follow my blog, you might say something along the lines of, “Hey, but she only gave Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas 4 stars. Everyone adores that YA Fantasy book.” Check out my Throne of Glass – Book Review to see the full story on why. However, in short, the main character in Throne of Glass seemed too old for her skillset. Stephanie B. Whitfield captures the age perfectly in her story.
And how exciting is it that her next in the series is coming out so soon? She doesn’t have it posted for preorder yet, but when it’s up, I’ll let everyone following my author page on Insta know. If you’re not following me, do that here: Susan’s Instagram.
Have you read Hidden in Roll?
If yes, jump down and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
If no, grab your copy here:
About Stephanie B. Whitfield

Stephanie is a 3rd generation Arizona Native and currently resides there with her husband and best friend. They have three children and have created a mini-farm on a small parcel of land where they have a number of critters. She loves being a mom, riding her horses, gardening, and reading. Being in the outdoors is her favorite place to be as long as it’s not Summertime.
She enjoys writing and has always had a vivid imagination. She had a dream once to write but it was shattered by a school teacher. One day, she sat down and decided to release the stories that had roamed her mind for years.
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Cheers to all!