Book Club,  Contemporary Fiction

Lost and Found

By Jacqueline Sheehan

A Book Review

Book: Lost and FoundSeries:  Stand-Alone
Author: Jacqueline Sheehan3/5 Stars
Age Rating: PGAge Rating Comments: Sweet.
Anyone could read this, but situationally,
adults would likely enjoy it more.

It’s hard [for me] to argue with any book that has an adorable dog on the front cover. When my book club selected Lost & Found by Jacqueline Sheehan, I was all in. My first choice in reads is fantasy, but I like a good cozy mystery every now and then. That’s exactly what this book holds–a lot of coziness with a little mystery. 

This was a really quick read–something great for the beach or an airplane. Between a flight from Minneapolis to Orlando and an hour and a half in a beach chair, I’d knocked this one out. That could be looked at one of two ways. On the bright side, it’s a quick story to understand and digest and something quickly consumable. However, if you’re looking for something with more meat, you might want to save this one for later. 

What I loved about the book was that it did just pull me along with the light and quirky characters. Although, that is quite a juxtaposition with the severity of the situations dealt with in the book–losing your husband young and a young girl with anorexia. While the writing was light, I do feel like those two topics were appropriately dealt with in the narrative.

On the other hand, I’m not a large fan of drawing me into the story with a death. The death in this case really didn’t tie into the story except for the fact that it provided motivation for Rocky to go to the island. To that end, it felt almost out of place within this particular story. The real hook to the story within the book comes when the dog arrives with an arrow protruding from his side. To me, that would have been enough of an enticement to draw me forward into the story.

I’ll leave my review here short and sweet, much like the book. Three stars on my scale is a good rating…thus the hazards of being a writer and story-teller. We are sometimes a hard lot to please. 

Happy reading all!

Originally published on my author site on 12/13/2018.